
CS 4518 Project 2: Getting Started with Android Programming solved

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Project Overview
4 The aim of this project is to get you familiar with Android apps that use the Android Camera, Images and Storage.
5 A few important things to know before starting this project.
6 • If you have any questions regarding this project, please post it in the forum with the part you have questions
7 with (using line numbers to the left).
8 • Inside the same zip file, there should be two code zip files, a project description pdf, and a textbook chapter. is the starter code for the main project while, photo-demo.zip1
9 is the starter code for face
10 detection (extra credits). The textbook chapter can be used as a reference to understand the starter code from
11 (Please do not distribute the pdf outside class.)
12 • This project is due by 10:00pm on Nov. 11 and accounts for 10% of course scores. Please do start early on
13 this project!
14 • Each student must complete this project individually. However, I do encourage you to share ideas, advice
15 and resources with each other. Please contact me if you have questions about what constitutes appropriate
16 collaboration.
17 2 Project Preparations
18 • For this project, please use an Android (Virtual) Device that runs with API level in the range of [21, 23]. If
19 you are completing extra credit part, you will also need a device with API level 25.
20 3 Project Requirements
21 3.1 Fix the gradle compile error (10 points)
22 After importing the starter code, you might encounter the build error when hitting the run button. Make changes
23 so that you can start the project and reach the main activity as shown in Figure 1(a). Hint: check out the gradle
24 configuration file CriminalIntent/app/build.gradle.
25 3.2 Display more images (30 points)
26 Clicking the NEW CRIME button on the top will launch a new activity as shown in Figure 1(b). Currently, this
27 activity can only store one image in the top left corner. Taking a second image replaces the first image with the
28 second. Modify the code, so that it can store more images below the ”SEND CRIME REPORT” button as shown
29 in Figure 1(c). Taking images 2,3 and 4 should store those images in the positions below the ”SEND CRIME
30 REPORT” button as shown. Refer to Figure 1(c).
31 3.3 Recycle views (30 points)
32 Modify the code so that, if 4 images are already displayed, taking a 5th image should replace image 1 (in top left
33 corner). Taking a 6th image replaces image 2 (leftmost image below the ”SEND CRIME REPORT” button) and so
34 on.
35 3.4 Save captured images into gallery (30 points)
36 Currently, when pressing the ImageButton to take a picture, it is not saved to gallery. Modify the code so that
37 images will show up in the Android’s Gallery.
Face detection concepts are explained in and You can also take a look at
other sample codes at
Tian Guo, WPI Page 1 of 2
(a) The app launching
activity UI.
(b) The original app
(c) The new app UI.
Figure 1:
38 3.5 Extra credit: Face detection (15 points)
39 Add face detection for your project by integrating the code sample Add a checkbox in the bottom
40 left corner. When checked, face detection is enabled and when unchecked, face detection is off. When Face
41 detection is enabled, the rectangles for face detection are overlayed around each face in the preview of the picture.
42 When the picture is taken, the number of faces found in the LAST PICTURE taken is reported in the bottom right
43 corner of the screen as shown. So, for example, if the user tries to take a picture with 2 faces, two rectangles would
44 appear around those faces during the preview, before the picture is taken. After the picture is taken, if face detection
45 is enabled, the text “2 Faces detected” will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. If face detection
46 is not enabled, then the bottom right corner of the screen should be blank (nothing displayed).
47 3.6 Extra credit: Target at API level 25 (10 points)
48 As the latest API level is 25, you would also want to support those devices running Android N. Currently, the app
49 will not run on Android N. Figure out the reasons and make changes accordingly so that the app work as expect (as
50 in devices with API level 23).
51 4 Project Submission
52 • Before submitting, please take the time to make sure you have a clean build by following this short guide
53 about clean your project build. Make sure you have documented your implementation adequately with in-line
54 comments. Also, include a README file that briefly describes the high-level steps you take in implementing
55 each requirement.
56 • Record session of running this app with all the implemented features on an Android device. If you are using
57 a physical device, you can simply download a free screen capture app, such as AZ Screen Recorder.
58 If you are using an AVD, you would have to first install Google Play on the emulator and then download the
59 app. Also check out this link for alternative ways to perform screen capture.
60 • Build and generate an APK for your app. Check out this post if you don’t know how yet.
61 • Create a zip file, named, from a directory that contains your modified Android
62 project code, the README file, your APK, and captured screen video file. Submit
through Instruct Assist2
63 .